264.00 AED


A great achievement in bioavailable vitamin C tablets

إنجاز كبير في أقراص فيتامين سي المتاحة حيوياً

فيتامين سي

500 مجم

مع تأثير التثبيط

Vitamin C mse matrix allows a delayed release of vitamin C as vitamin C is embedded in a special plant cellulose matrix. The body is then continuously supplied over a period of about 6-8 hours.

The body regeneration processes mainly take place in a state of recovery i.e at night, it is recommended to consume Vitamin C in the evening before going to bed.


Recommended dosage

Teenager, Adult

1 tablet daily with a meal and sufficient liquid. Up to 4 per day for an adult.

4 months


Free from alcohol, milk protein, milk, sugar, gluten, yeast, dye, gelatin, flavorings, colorings, preservatives.

Vitamin C mse matrix contains a plant cellulose matrix.

Vitamin C participates in redox reactions to neutralize “free radicals”. Our body is exposed to oxidative stress due to environmental influences. As a result, free radicals are formed.

Vitamin C is able to quench these free radicals and it contributes to the regeneration of oxidized vitamin E, which also protect cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

  • plays a role in the amidation of hypothalamic hormones, including the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), which regulates the immune system, also found in the intestine.
  • contributes to normal collagen formation in our body.
  • supports during and after physical exercise. This positive effect only occurs if at least 200 mg of vitamin C are taken daily in addition to the recommended daily dose.
  • contributes to an increase in iron absorption into the body,
  • contributes to a healthy function of the nervous system, psyche and energy metabolism.
  • is involved in the restoration and regeneration of body substance (such as collagen formation).

Additional Information

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